The purpose of the Budget Committee is to provide an advisory opportunity for input on district-level financial planning, including the District’s revenue sources, general fund budgets, the long-term financial sustainability plan, and alignment of the budget to District goals. This committee will come together at least every two months, but additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson depending on topics being addressed. The members of the Budget committee will receive informational updates and will provide advisory input and recommendations to the District regarding specific topics.
This committee will include broad representation from stakeholders including at least one principal, teacher, student, parent, community member and a business representative with relevant expertise. Budget committee members will be selected through a centralized application process posted on the District website. The composition of the committee will be evaluated annually to ensure representation from all stakeholders. The Budget Committee should be composed of approximately 75% campus-based staff, community, and San Antonio Alliance members and 25% district-based staff.
View Guiding Document
The guiding document for each advisory council contains more information such as membership composition, membership terms, roles and responsibilities, and more.
View Agendas (Coming Soon)
For all general questions or comments related to Alliance Curriculum Advisory Council, please contact:
Velinda Salas
514 W. Quincy St.
San Antonio, Texas 78212