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SAISD celebrates Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month

In the month of November, San Antonio ISD joins other national organizations in paying tribute to the rich ancestry and traditions of Native Americans. We have created a list of resources to help teachers and families explore the rich histories, cultures and contributions of our nation's first people.


En el mes de noviembre, San Antonio ISD se une a otras organizaciones nacionales para rendir homenaje a la rica ascendencia y tradiciones de los nativos americanos. Hemos creado una lista de recursos para ayudar a los maestros y las familias a explorar las ricas historias, culturas y contribuciones de los primeros habitantes de nuestra nación.


Resources | Recursos

National Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month from the National Park Service

American Indian History and Heritage from EDSITEment (National Endowment for the Humanities)

Native American Heritage Month from National Geographic

Native American Heritage Month from PBS Learning Media

Twenty Resources on Native American History and Culture from Facing History and Ourselves

Native American Heritage Month from the San Antonio Public Library

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