District Financials and Budget Information
Here you can find the most up-to-date financial information for SAISD.
SAISD is the tenth-largest public employer in San Antonio, with more than 7,500 employees serving about 48,000 students. The District’s resources are comprised of local, state, and federal revenue.
Local revenue consists primarily of property taxes and also includes local grant donations. State revenue accounts for the District’s largest share of revenue and is mainly driven by Average Daily Attendance (ADA) and the District’s total property value. Federal revenue is a minor component of the operating budget but the major source of revenue for the Food Service Fund and is driven by the number of meals served and the number of students who qualify for the free- and reduced-price lunch program.
Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the District directly at (210) 554-2200 and ask for the Financial Services Department.