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World Languages

Contact Us

514 W. Quincy St.
San Antonio, Texas 78212
210-554-2555 (phone)

The World Languages Program prepares students for an increasingly open and globally interconnected world. We seek to strengthen the World Languages Program for all, beginning with exploratory levels in elementary, and continuing through middle and high school advanced courses for college credit as well as career readiness.


To empower students with 21st century skills as they develop linguistic proficiency and cultural literacy in multiple languages.


To prepare students to actively and effectively participate and succeed in a global society.


  • Chinese
  • French
  • Latin
  • Spanish
  • ASL *online learning 


  • Offer a sequence of courses from level 1 to level 5+ in order to qualify students for highly tiered universities and make them more marketable for college admissions, military careers and the workforce
  • Strengthen the proficiency and communicative model to develop student's proficiency in the target language via meaningful interaction and authentic contexts
  • Refine and redesign the curriculum and instruction for World Languages
  • Increase AP Spanish course participation by 20% and performance by 5%

World Languages Department

Martha Rodriguez
Coordinator, World Languages
(210) 554-2528

Crystal Granato
Sr. Administrative Assistant
(210) 554-2528

World Languages in SAISD

View our World Languages Curriculum


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