What is the program and why do we need it?
The Evening FLEX Program in SAISD is a virtual opportunity for 9th-12th grade students to earn initial credit for specific secondary courses during evening hours, during specific timeframes throughout the year. The evening program is designed to run simultaneous to the student's daytime schedule. Teachers for the program will not necessarily be teachers from the campus that students are at by day.
The program is necessary so that students who wish to graduate after three years of high school may do so.
Additionally, this program can be operationalized for students who have fallen behind in their coursework and for those who are highly motivated to accelerate their course schedule.
When is class held?
Students will have the choice to take the Evening FLEX course either in a Hybrid Campus Course model (with a live teacher) or via Evening FLEX Initial Credit on Edgenuity (self-paced).
If a student choses the Hybrid model, the course is typically offered on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 5:15 PM - 8:30 PM over an 8-week period for 16-instructional days. Students must connect with the teacher each Tuesday and Thursday night at exactly 5:15 PM and until they are graded out of the course.
If a student choses the Initial Credit option, students will have some requirements to be meet before starting the course and will be supported by a Evening FLEX Success Coach who will be monitoring the students progress throughout.
Where do we meet and how does it work?
For students taking Hybrid courses, they will meet with a live teacher each class night (so attendance is mandatory). Students can use class time to work through material, take quizzes, conduct labs, sit for exams, and so on. Teachers work with students to ensure cohesive comprehension while differentiating for each student's various needs. Students must be in attendance beginning at 5:15 PM--it is the teacher's prerogative to dismiss students early (but only if the student is caught up on all of their work). Students may not exceed two absences. (The full attendance policy is below.)
Attendance Policy: Students are permitted to have two absences in a single session. On a third absence, a student will be withdrawn from the session. Because we only meet for 16 class nights, we are unable to extend any further absences to a student in a single session and still award credit according to stipulations set forth by the Texas Education Agency that have been applied to our school. Furthermore, if a student enters late, the late arrival will be documented; late arrivals will accrue. Be advised: A late arrival is defined as arriving into the Zoom session any time after 5:30 PM on a class night. Thus, a if a student accrues 3 late arrivals/tardies, then they will equate to a single absence. Therefore, students should be on time AND ensure they do not have after-school extracurricular events, doctor's appointments, or work to attend to on a Tuesday or Thursday night in Sessions I - III. (Note: Session IV contains two Wednesdays that are class nights in lieu of Tuesday nights due to holidays that will be observed on Fridays.)
Who can enroll?
The Evening FLEX program is currently open to students who attend an SAISD school by day only. This program is a by request of the campus counselor and goes through an approval process.