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To advance the knowledge and practice of teaching and learning to create world-class learning experiences for all students.
To inspire and empower all students to pursue their dreams, we must transform the urban education experience with unrelenting determination to provide equity and access.
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
Literacy & Biliteracy Plan
Instructional Specialist Handbook
Instructional Coach Handbook
Professional Learning Networks
Assessment Practices: Evaluating and Responding to Student Learning
SAISD Academic Recovery Plan 2022
Department Chair Handbook (in revision)
Academic Coordinating Teacher (ACT) Handbook (in revision)
The "Write" Way
Academic and Instructional Continuity Plan 21-22
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Curriculum Management Plan
Instructional Coach Playbook
Academic and Instructional Continuity Plan 20-21
Mitigating Learning Loss
Best practice recommends that instruction in each core content area is addressed every single day to create continuity in learning and language development. Please access the SAISD Elementary Instructional Minutes to see the district recommendations and to access the Dual Language Model and Instructional Frameworks.
Cross-Content Literacy
Looking for ideas that can help increase writing in your classroom? Need support in knowing how to engage students in literacy practices on a regular basis? Check out the K-12 Cross-Content Literacy Strategies Toolkit and ECE Cross-Content Literacy Strategies Toolkit for strategies and tech tools to help your kids be successful!
Graphic Organizers
Here is a treat from the Ed Tech team! 100 designer graphic organizers for use with students.
Add them to your digital journals, slide deck presentations, Seesaw activities, and more! To access, click here.
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