SAISD is operating free meal delivery options for families and recently announced its June schedule. There also is an additional resource for families through the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT), which allows families to buy food from any retailer that accepts the Texas Lone Star Card. P-EBT is a one-time benefit of up to $285 to be issued on an EBT card to assist families. For more information on P-EBT or to apply for the benefit, visit this Your Texas Benefits website.
SAISD will continue to provide meals during the summer (May 29-Aug. 7) as part of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s “Seamless Summer Nutrition Program.” Meals will be available at curbside locations at select schools and at select SAISD bus stop locations.
The summer program will offer meals at no cost to children ages 18 years and younger. No application is required and all participants are eligible regardless of whether they are enrolled in a summer program or not. Also eligible for free meals are students who continue to be enrolled in school past the age of 18, but under the age of 21, and who are identified as disabled through a special education program.
“The federally funded program enables children to receive nutritious meals throughout the summer,” said SAISD’s Senior Executive Director of Child Nutrition Services Jenny Arredondo. “Regular and appropriate nutrition is very important to support a student’s academic performance.”
Following is the June 2020 schedule:
Curbside Distribution: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 10 a.m. – Noon
What is included: Meal bundles will contain breakfast, lunch and supper for multiple days to include weekends.
(Curbside Wednesdays in June: The SAISD Child Nutrition Program has collaborated with the San Antonio Food Bank this summer. Summer meals will now include supplemental food donations from the food bank to help meet the nutritional needs of our community and families. The first distribution will begin Wednesday, June 3 and continue every Wednesday through the month of June. The distribution will take place at all summer curbside locations from 10 a.m. - noon.)
Bus-stop Distribution: Monday- Friday. Times vary (see link below)
What is included: Meal bundles will contain breakfast, lunch and supper for that day. Friday bundles will also include weekend meals.
For the list of all meal distribution sites in June, click here. The July and August schedule will be released at a later time.
For more information, contact the Child Nutrition Services Department at (210) 554-2290 or visit the menu section of the department website.