June 2, 2022
King William Fair representatives present $9,500 check to Brackenridge High School
The King William Fair will donate $9,500 to the Brackenridge High School Eagles Athletic Booster Club for the students’ contributions to the 2022 King William Fair
King William Fair staff
Brackenridge High School athletes and coaches
June 2 (Thurs), 2 p.m.
Brackenridge High School, 400 Eagleland Drive, 78210
More than 75 Brackenridge High School student athletes volunteered for the 2022 King William Fair when fair staff learned it was short on volunteers. On the day of the fair, the students picked up trash throughout the Fair Zone, took out trash and recycling from vendor booths, and set up ClearStream recycling containers. The students also staffed concession booths for soda and water, and lemonade and tea. In the Kids’ Kingdom area, the students worked the games, rides, and activity booths by taking in tickets, covering shifts, and working extended hours. Additionally, the students festively decorated 40 golf carts for fair staff and volunteers to use on the day of the fair.
According to the King William Fair staff, when staff members were notified of the volunteer shortage at the last minute, the student athletes made a great impact by giving their time and dedication to the fair. The students reacted quickly, teamed up and helped their community with eagerness and responsibility. The $9,500 check is a thank you to the Eagles Athletic Booster and will help support the athletic teams while giving back to the students.