Feb. 19, 2021
Free testing allows district to identify positive cases before classes resume Monday
In response to a request from San Antonio ISD Superintendent Pedro Martinez, Community Labs will provide testing at the district’s high school campuses tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 20. Testing is restricted to SAISD students and staff.
“We test at 94 SAISD campuses weekly, but because of this week’s winter storms, schools were closed and we had to suspend those screenings,” said Community Labs president Sal Webber. “We applaud Superintendent Martinez’s foresight to resume testing on Saturday. Because we use highly sensitive PCR tests and return results within 24 hours, we’ll be able to identify COVID-19-positive students and staff, allow them to quarantine, and safely return others to the classroom on Monday.”
“It has been a very difficult week for our community, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday. We know people have been in close quarters with family and friends because of the weather, and we want to provide a safe environment when they return,” said Superintendent Martinez. “We are grateful to be able to provide asymptomatic testing this weekend, and we will return to providing this testing weekly on all of our campuses from our pre-kindergarteners through our high school seniors moving forward. We will finish this year strong, and we will begin next school year even stronger for it.”
Media are invited attend the COVID-19 screening taking place at Brackenridge High School, 400 Eagleland Drive, between 2:30 and 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20. Superintendent Martinez and Sal Webber will be onsite and available for interviews.