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The McKinney-Vento Education Assistance Act is a federal law that provides services to families and unaccompanied youth that live in a temporary situation due to loss of housing.
McKinney-Vento Services
High School Students: To get a copy of important documents i.e. birth certificate or a Texas ID or Texas Driver’s License, see links below:
Information for School Age Youth
Information para Padres de Jovenes en Edad Escolar
Bexar County District Liaisons
Below is a listing of contact information for local school district McKinney-Vento Liaisons and their transportation departments.
If you are a parent having a transportation issue, please call the liaison in your district for assistance.
District Liaisons
Bexar County Liaisons
These designated points are used to transfer children from one school district to another school district by bus, if they are being transported to attend school outside of the district in which they reside. Each point refers to a specific location identified in the table. Please note that some districts may have multiple transfer points. This is to accommodate the movement of children over large areas within the county.
Transfer Points
Below is a listing of links to additional information on Homelessness and Education online.
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