Audit being conducted by Terrance L. Green and Team
Terrance L. Green is an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy. Dr. Green's research examines the relationship between educational leadership, schools, and neighborhood communities with a focus on racial and educational equity.
Prior to Nov. 13, 2023
Phase 1: School Closures Decision Matrix
Evaluation of the final recommendation and an equitable application of the framework.
Spring 2024
Phase 2: Equitable and Humanizing Supports for Students, Families, Communities,
and Teachers
Should the board approve the final recommendation, this phase will propose how to sustain and continue to honor our families’ past through legacy events and actions, and how to honor the future by blending the familia.
Fall/Winter 2024
Phase 3: Community-Centered and Equitable Use of Buildings
Should the board approve the final recommendation, this phase will propose how to involve the community in determining how to repurpose vacated buildings so that the facility remains vital and connected to the neighborhood and meets community needs.