We can do better for our children.
Our Thriving Profiles cause us to reflect on whether we can deliver on our communities’ definition of a successful and thriving school. This reflection drove us to our data, and we concluded that we are at a crossroads.
In order to deliver educational equity, we need to address school facilities that are becoming emptier, underutilized and under-resourced. SAISD has been losing enrollment steadily for more than 20 years, and we have not closed school buildings at the rate our enrollment declined. Fewer students are the result of lower birth rates and families unable to afford living in the urban core. Only about 20% of our student loss is a result of in-district parents selecting out-of-district options. In fact, in large urban districts across the nation, school district leaders are facing the same challenge of the need to downsize.
Read the text or hear the rationale for the resolution.