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Office of Family & Community Engagement

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514 W. Quincy St.
San Antonio, Texas 78212
(210) 554-2205 (phone)
(210) 228-3029 (fax)

Volunteer & Community Services

Thank you so much for servicing the SAISD community. It is through your generosity that our community, schools, and students are able to thrive!

We appreciate your commitment and welcome you to the SAISD Familia with open arms. We hope your volunteer experience is worthwhile, as we all continue to strive for a better tomorrow!

The 24-25 volunteer application is now available below.

Step-By-Step Guide to Apply

Anyone that wishes to volunteer with SAISD must complete the following:

Para ver este proceso en español, haga clic aquí.

Step 1: Creating an Account


Returning Users:

Returning App-Garden users will log in using their email and password on file. To retrieve a forgotten password, returning users can click on “Forgot Password” and follow the instructions provided.

Once logged in, returning users must select "Renew Application" to submit a volunteer application for the current school year. 

New Users:

New users will click on “New Registration” to create a an App-Garden profile. They will need to verify their email address before being able to log in. The user will receive a verification email in their inbox OR spam folder. 

Once logged in, new users will be automatically prompted to complete a volunteer application for the current school year. 

Step 2: Submitting the Application

The applicant must complete all the required fields on the volunteer application. Under the Activity section, the applicant must select their volunteer activity preference.  

Once all fields have been completed, the application can be submitted. 

Please note that if any fields are missing, these fields will be highlighted in yellow and must be completed to submit the application.

For additional questions, click on the "Frequently Asked Questions" tab above.

Step 3: Background Check
Once the volunteer application is submitted, the applicant will undergo a background check through the App-Garden system. Please allow up to 7 business days for the results of the background check to return.
The applicant will receive an email with next steps once the results of the background check have been returned to the District.

If the applicant's background check is flagged, the applicant will receive an email stating that their application is on hold for further review. The application will then be reviewed by the Volunteer Approval and Denial (VAD) Committee. The applicant will be notified of their approval or denial status within two weeks of the application date.

Step 4: Required Acknowledgments

If approved, applicants must must sign in to their account to view the Volunteer Orientation video and acknowledge that they have read the Parent and Community Handbook, the Volunteer Standards of Conduct, the Volunteer Code of Ethics, and that they have met any other SAISD volunteer requirements.

If the volunteer does not sign into their account and acknowledge what is required within a month of their updated status, their application will be deleted.

Step 5: Volunteer at your selected school!

You are all set to be an SAISD volunteer for the 23-24 school year! We are so excited to have to be a part of the SAISD Familia!

Feel free to contact your school directly to inquire about volunteer opportunities, or reach out directly to your schools Family Engagement point of contact by clicking the button below.

Family Engagement Point of Contact

The Volunteer Process

  • If the applicant successfully clears the background check and completes the volunteer orientation, the application will be automatically approved within 7 business days. The applicant will be notified with an approval email.
  • All SAISD volunteer background checks are valid for the academic school year. This means all background checks expire on June 30, regardless of when they were submitted, and must be resubmitted beginning July 1 for the new academic school year.
  • A social security number is not required to submit the application, however an entry must be included in this field as this is required.

    The applicant can enter 111-22-3333 to bypass this requirement. 

  • A criminal background check is conducted using the applicants legal name. If no middle name exists the applicant can enter "NMN" to indicate no middle name.

  • Once your background check results have been released, the applicant will be notified that their status has changed and they must log into their profile to make the proper acknowledgement.

    The system will keep the application in a "Safety Review" status until the proper acknowledgement has been made.

    If the acknowledgment has not been made after 30 days, the system will delete the application, and the volunteer will have to resubmit the entire application.

  • If the applicant's background check is flagged, he/she will receive an email stating that their application is on hold for further review. The application will then be reviewed by the Volunteer Approval and Denial (VAD) Committee. The applicant will be notified of their approval or denial status within two weeks of the application date.
  • If you are denied as a volunteer this does not mean we do not want you to engage with the school. You are still invited and encouraged to attend all open campus events and be an active participant at your student's school. Contact the Office of Family & Community Engagement for more information on what this status means.
  • In order to ensure the safety and security of all students, staff, parents, and families on campus, all individuals serving in the capacity as a volunteer must have a background check conducted using the volunteer management system.

    This means that if a staff member is serving in a role outside of their normal job duties, such as in the role of a volunteer, then they must abide by the volunteer process and submit an application. 

Volunteering with SAISD

  • If you are an approved volunteer, you will be notified via email of opportunities happening at the school using the District's volunteer management system.


    You can contact your school's Family Engagement point of contact by clicking here.

  • If you have not received any notification please log into the system to ensure your most up to date contact information is in the system


    You can contact your school's Family Engagement point of contact by clicking here.

  • If you would like to volunteer at a different school, please log into the system and click on "My Profile" on the top right hand of the screen.

    Then you can click on "Edit Profile" to add or remove schools to your volunteer application.

    Please be sure to click on the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the screen after all of your edits have been made.

  • Visit to access the district's volunteer management system.

    Hover over the "My Logged Time" tab located on the top left. Select the "My Logged Time" option.

    This menu will show the volunteer all of the previously logged volunteer times. To log a new entry, click on "New Log Entry" on the top left of the screen. 

    Complete all of the required fields, and when done be sure to click on "Submit" at the bottom of the page to record your entry.

  • Begin by encouraging others to fill out the volunteer application. 

    Then coordinate with your school's Family Engagement point of contact to keep others in the loop of upcoming opportunities or to coordinate a group initiative.

  • The District does not have a policy requiring a certain number of volunteer hours to be met.

    Each campus however has its own autonomy on encouraging volunteer hours. You are encouraged to contact your volunteer campus directly to learn about their volunteer requirements.

  • All volunteer concerns should be addressed with the campus principal.

    If no resolution has been reached, please contact the District's Constituent Services at (210) 554-2210 or click here to submit your concern.

  • All volunteers are required to view the Volunteer Orientation video below (available in English and Spanish) and acknowledge the SAISD Code of Ethics and Volunteer Standards of Conduct before their application can be processed. All volunteers are also required to acknowledge a statement of confidentiality.

    Volunteer Code of Ethics

    1. The volunteer in SAISD values the worth and dignity of every person.
    2. The Volunteer in SAISD advocates for the student and for the development of the student’s potential.
    3. The volunteer in SAISD supports the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one’s colleagues (e.g., other volunteers, teachers, administrators, staff, campus nurses), of students, of parents, and of other members of the community and must strive to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct.

    Volunteer Standards of Conduct

    The volunteer will:

    • Check in at the school’s main office or event point of contact and sign-in and out each time they volunteer.
    • Record their volunteer hours of service using the District’s volunteer management system.
    • Will comply by all other standards as outlined by the Parent and Community Volunteer Handbook. (Español)

    Statement of Confidentiality

    By submitting an application, the volunteer understands that, in the course of their association with the San Antonio Independent School District, they share the responsibility of maintaining the confidentiality of any employee or student information that may be available to them. The volunteer understands that it is their responsibility to assure rights and confidentiality of information both written and verbal.

    The volunteer will work with the highest standards, committed to the idea that their work will benefit students. The volunteer promises to embrace an attitude of open-mindedness, willingness to be trained, as well as interest and commitment. The volunteer acknowledges that they must complete the volunteer orientation before they can begin to serve as a volunteer in SAISD.

    In the performance of their volunteer duties, the volunteer is not to discuss academic or any other confidential information regarding students or employees with anyone.

    I also agree that as an individual participant in District programs for the San Antonio Independent School District I will observe, maintain, and protect the confidentiality of any information regarding students and their families and will treat proprietary or privileged information involving staff members, parents, or other people as strictly confidential as provided by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and any and all federal and state laws and board policies.
    Any breach of confidentiality will be carefully reviewed and, if substantiated, could result in termination of the volunteer’s involvement with the District.

    The volunteer grants SAISD permission to take and/or use photographs or video of themselves participating in volunteer events for use in marketing material.

App-Garden Coordinators

Campus staff can be trained or access resources on how to use App-Garden by logging into the employee portal below. As a reminder user access is limited to staff approved by the campus Principal. If you are not currently a user please connect with your campus principal for access.

SAISD Volunteer & Partnership Services Resource Toolkit

Student Teachers

All student teachers/observers will not complete the volunteer application. STUDENT TEACHERS/OBSERVERS must contact Hope De Leon at for assistance with their application and background check.

Agency Workers/Vendors/Contractors
All agency nurses, social work interns, after school care staff, and contracted teachers will not complete the volunteer application. Entities contracting with the District that are not able to complete their own employee background checks in order to comply with SB9 requirements must contact Procurement Services for  assistance at (210) 354-9060. 

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